Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I feel the earth move under my feet

Have you ever wondered what 6 tons of rock looks like? Here's what we've been working on at our house over Spring Break:

These two rocks are 3 tons together:

Steve borrowed his dad's skid-steer to unload and move the rocks.

Here's another 3 tons of rock:

King and Queen of the mountain!

We took a break from the work to go bowling at Boise State Univ with cousins. My son & cousin C.

My daughter with cousin E:

After a big weekend of work it was great to have some fun. Project: closet is up next on the to-do list.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What You May Not Know

Okay, I'm totally copying this idea from the Living Proof blog (see here). But it's such a fun idea and tomorrow is the first day of Spring Break so I'm ready for fun. Even though we are staying home and doing some deep cleaning and most of you think this is so not fun - I am glad to be home this year. I know the kiddos will be bored by day 2, so I'm breaking up the work with some fun activities...more on that another day.

Here are ten random things you might not know about me.

1. I don't like to drink out of plastic cups. Like the tupperware kind, the Solo kind is okay.
2. I love to write with a pencil.
3. My spices are alphabetized.
4. I love laundry dried outside, especially sheets.
5. I gave up soda 6 years ago at Lent and haven't had any since.
6. I like to collect and try new recipes.
7. I played volleyball in college and dreamed of being an Olympian.
8. I notice license plates.
9. I read the comics first before any articles in the newspaper.
10. I was 30 when I received my first and only speeding ticket.

Leave a comment and tell me 10 things about yourself that I may not know. Don't think too hard on it, just 10 things off the top of your head. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dessert Heaven

Have you discovered these treats from Betty Crocker yet? Oh.my.word. They are so yummy!

It's like the best of two desserts in one pan. Try it soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse #6

Happy Monday morning! The weather forecast in SW Idaho is bea.u.ti.ful. for the whole week - sunny, upper 50's - it's going to be fabulous! That combined with the extra hour of daylight in the evenings...we will be getting our required daily allotment of vitamin D. woohoo!

I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was good. Saturday was National History Day regional competition. My daughter participated in this through school. She was in a group with two other girls and they made a documentary film. The topic was something along the lines of "innovation and how it changed the world". The girls chose "Sputnik: the beginning of the space race" as their topic. They worked so very hard for two months on this project. They had difficulties with equipment, forgot to save their info before the computers at school crashed and had to re-type, had to re-record the voice-overs several times because they didn't like the way their voice sounded or they were giggling uncontrollably. Truthfully, Steve and I were slightly worried they wouldn't get done in time for the competition. But they did (4:30 Friday afternoon!). There were kids from all over SW Idaho competing in different categories: exhibits, documentaries, performance, websites, written essays. Sputnik/the three girls won first place in their category!!!! They were so excited and we are so proud. Now they go to State competition which is in the middle of April. They have a few adjustments to make as recommended by the judges. I think my daughter is most relieved to just have this project completed.

There are many things in my life that are challenging to me, as this project was for my daughter. Things that push me physically or mentally or emotionally. Things that I feel so inadequate even attempting. Examples? Well, being a mom, for one. In the beginning, moms are required to be present physically. The needs of a baby and young child are great. Most of the time, moms are running on less than adequate sleep. So that's challenging. Now, as my kids are older, they require more of me emotionally and intellectually. Discussing friendships, perseverance when the road gets long, learning life is not fair, pushing the boundaries we've set, etc. It's challenging, too. Another example is leading Bible study. Not something I sought after or feel particularly gifted to do. Even this blog pushes me intellectually. (not always evident by my entries, I know.) But this is what I'm learning: I have the Holy Spirit living in me and if I am yielding to his authority in my life, I am able to do these hard things. He has given me tasks for each day and he will give me what I need to complete those tasks, to his glory. We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to be servants of that same spirit. I am reminded again that I am nothing without Him. But I do believe I can do all things through Christ.

So my verse for this time is from 2Corinthians 3 verses 5 & 6 (NIV): "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant - not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."

Leave your name, verse and version. Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Day

As I was driving home from Bible Study today (side note: started a new one last week, Living Beyond Yourself: Fruit of the Spirit by Beth Moore - already an excellent study), I realized for the first day in a really long time - I feel happy. The kind of happy that just bubbles from deep down inside a person. The kind of happy that the enemy wants to squelch because my life is far from perfect, I don't have all the answers and this world is in a sad state.

But this is what I know to be true today: God chose me before the creation of the world because it pleased him to do so. (Eph 1:3-6) I have been credited with righteousness because of faith in the risen Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:22-24) When I confess my sins, I am forgiven and purified. (1John 1:9) He has made me competent through his spirit to be his servant. (2Cor 3:5-6) He is teaching me, revealing himself to me, going to great lengths to restore me -- all the time. Today that makes me so happy.

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." Psalm 63:2-4

Are you happy today?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's a Soup Kind of Day

It has started raining here so it makes me think of curling up on the couch with a blanket and a book. Since that's not going to happen in my life today, the weather also makes me think of soup. Here's one of my favorite soup recipes. Let me know if you try it.

No Cream Creamy Broccoli Soup

2 medium carrots, peeled, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 celery stalk, chopped
3 Tbsp oil
2 cans (14 1/2 oz each) chicken broth
2 cups water
2 small bunches fresh broccoli, trimmed, cut into 3-inch lengths (about 4 1/2 cups)
1/2 cup Minute rice (I prefer brown), uncooked
2 cups milk
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

Cook and stir carrots, onion and celery in hot oil in large saucepan on medium-high heat 3 min. Add chicken broth and water; stir. Bring to a boil.
Stir in broccoli and rice. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 10-15 min or until vegies are tender, stirring frequently.
Add soup, in batches, to blender or food processor container; cover. Blend until slightly pureed. Return soup to pot. Add milk and cheese; cook until heated through, stirring occasionally.
Makes 8 servings, 1 cup each.

(This recipe is from Kraft Food & Family magazine.)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse #5

Can you believe it's March 1st? Wow. How was your weekend? Mine ran the whole gamut of emotions. Our anniversary dinner turned our stomachs inside out later that night and the next day. The conversations, however, were much sweeter so I'll dwell on that and not recommend to you Tucan*'s Brazilian Steakhouse. I'm glad if you've had a good experience there. We did not.

Saturday we spent with extended family in the mountains and that was a fun day. Not much snow to play in, so we stayed in and visited and played games. The kids swam in the heated pool; in fact, I think my son was in the water at least 4 hours. No, he's not growing fins or flippers though I checked.

Sunday was a great service at church. We are working through the minor prophets; right now Amos. Judah was in a time of prosperity and had become callous towards God. This shepherd/fig tree caretaker was given a vision to tell the people and he did. Pastor also worked in a lesson on forgiveness, which turned out prophetic in my immediate life. There was a surprise visitor at church, someone who had dealt me a full basket of pain in the not-so-distant past. She managed to open the wound with one innocent question. Praise be to God that I can come to Him with all my emotions - disappointment, pain, anger, despair - and know it is safe, know that He hears me and yesterday especially He met with me in that place. I know He loves me and is healing me and I give Him all honor, glory and praise.

(I apologize if this post is "too much information". I'm just being real here. That's all I know to do.)

All this leads to my verse. 1John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. Have you thought about darkness? In the dark we can feel afraid, depressed, shame, insecure, unhealthy. And I have felt all of them. But that is not God. He is not a God of any of those things in the dark. Those things belong to the prince of darkness. But then I remember that my God is a God of the light, He is the God of pushing back the darkness, even in the corners. I cannot continue to walk in darkness and have fellowship with the God of light without being a liar. The truth will set us free. And the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin. We are to walk in the light as He is in the light. Take fear for example. If I am afraid that something bad is going to happen to my children or my husband or even myself and if I live that fear out every day by the thoughts I think, the words I say or the actions I take, I am not walking in the light. He has not given us a spirit of fear 2Timothy says. I'm not saying throw caution to the wind. I'm saying don't let the fear take over. Believe God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. Let His light shine in the darkness of your life and let Him set you free, let Him heal you. That's one of the driving forces behind this scripture memorization. When the truth of His word is in the very core of me, that light will dispel my dark corners and I can live the abundant life he promised in John. Our God is an awesome God! Can I hear an Amen?

Thank you for walking this road with me. I love you. Leave your name, city, verse, & version.